January 24, 2008

Ladybugs on parade

I'm making progress on the ladybugs which is a good thing because I have a lot to make. Too bad I can't just put two of them together in a darkened room, with a nice chilled bottle of pinot grigio and some romantic music, and see if they'd reproduce.
A completed one is pictured at the bottom with the others in various stages of construction. I sewed the sequins on first and stitched a line down the center. Then I sewed around the outside. Next, I anchored the antenna inside with a few quick stitches, and put some stuffing in. The head will be sewn on last. As I was lining up the ladies for this picture, it occurred to me that this arrangement would make a cute wreath for summer. I'll keep it in mind for leftovers....

I'm afraid winter has set in with a vengeance here in southern California. It was so cold in the condo that I had to cover the front door mail slot with a paper towel because such a breeze was coming through that Mr. Gadget and I were getting quite a chill. Then the mail lady stopped by and the whole process had to be repeated. But we are lucky. Our upstairs neighbor actually has to go out in this wicked weather, walk down the stairs, and retrieve her mail from one of those regular mail boxes.

So today my cousin (whose daughter is getting married in August) officially gave me permission to share the wedding craftiness on the blog (thanks, cuz!) Little did she know I was planning to anyway...heh, heh.....but now I feel perfectly OK to blab on and on. This morning I picked up the tissue paper for the flowers and I'm anxious to get started.

Someone must have slipped the news to the ladybugs that flowers would be happening soon....

1 comment:

Jen said...

You poor thing! I just checked the weather and it's only 54 degrees! How can you stand it?

(currently 28 in D'bury)