November 20, 2007

Red-Hatting around

On Sunday I joined my Red Hat group for a bus trip to NYC to see of just a few shows that has not been affected by the strike. It's been a while since I've done any Red-Hatting, what with all the globe-trotting and all. We had lunch at a nice little restaurant called Etc. Etc. that was just a short walk from the theater.

We enjoyed the play, but all agreed that musicals are more to our liking. There were a few parts that were heavy on dialogue, and Liza Doolittle (played by Claire Danes) was not always easy to hear (from our mezzanine seats) or understand (when speaking in her cockney accent). But it was a fun day nonetheless, and all-the-more pleasant because no driving was necessary.

I've been working on three snowman dolls, and gifts that must still remain closely guarded secrets. I do plan to finish one of them soon, since it's something that can be used for holiday decorating. There is embroidery involved.

Today I did some Thanksgiving food shopping. I went here....which is really more of an amusement park than a grocery store. There are singing cows and other animated creatures along a trail of shopping carts that zig-zag through the store. One must go with the flow or risk being trampled. I bought a turkey breast rather than a whole turkey, since only Tech Guy will be here for dinner this year. And for the first time ever I bought prepared which the jovial checker commented that I was a "cheater." Yes, I guess I am cheating, but at least I'm a thankful cheater. And there will be no pumpkin pie since BCG won't be present. I'll make cheesecake instead.

So you gotta feel sorry for poor Mr. Gadget. When he picked me up at the bus stop after the play, he reported that his day had been "mixed." Seems he had taken my car to Home Depot to get some wood for a table project he plans to do for BCG. On the way home, the 10-foot boards....which fit just perfectly in my little station wagon.....expanded due to temperature change and cracked the windshield. Since we're the only drivers in the house now, we no longer have the body shop on speed-dial so we had to resort to the Yellow Pages. And the insurance agent seemed a little puzzled when we called to make a claim. "Didn't you tell me all the teenagers moved out?" she asked.....

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