November 16, 2007

The Christmas Cartoon

Back in the late 80's, after much thought, I decided to write a holiday letter to include with our Christmas cards. I was determined to keep it upbeat, with no mention of medical tests, surgical procedures, how wonderfully little Tech Guy was doing in school, or how BCG was doing backflips worthy of an Olympic trial. The first edition was fairly easy, but by the second year I couldn't quite get it going. I had a case of writers' block. So I began to doodle. And I've been doodling ever since.

When I did the first one, I figured it would be a one-time deal. But people responded so favorably I continued for another year. I did the first one in 1990.

I'm certainly not a skilled cartoonist, but I guess I've been able to fake it enough to get a humorous message across--one that most families can relate to.

People tell me they like the expressions on my characters. It's amazing what can be conveyed with just a couple of dots for eyes and a line for a mouth. We have family brainstorming sessions to come up with the news items, but the funny stuff is all mine.
Sometimes there's not enough people news to fill the page (usually about 12 items or so), and I end up filling in with stories about home a drawing I did of the EMS guys carrying the old broken water heater out on a stretcher. I get more compliments from men than from women. Maybe they like the car stuff. My uncle was a big fan. When I told him I was thinking of giving it up, he looked so sad I had no choice but to continue.
I never think I'm going to get it all done in time. Thinking up the funny stuff isn't always easy, but the ideas come if I don't get too worked up about it. The Ravioli Theory.
This year I'm considering a change in format. I may combine text with cartoons. Since TG and BCG are now living on their own, there just isn't as much funny family fodder.
So I've been a little bummed out about monkey having to go back to the drawing board. I haven't been motivated, but I'm considering a possible solution. Meanwhile, it's just about snowman season. I have a sure-fire snowman pattern. No designing, no guesswork, no fabric shopping needed. But I will need a little hot chocolate......


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Monkey, but a certain lamb followed me home this morning! Keep those Christmas cartoons coming, and just think of what a great one it would be if you had to replace your furnace, hee, hee!

Anonymous said...

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia
It's always Marcia.....
And no wonder, too, with such creative genes--why not? Or does the creativity come with the name? We replaced our furnace this past summer (due it's demise in dead of last winter and a very, very cheap husband who wanted to wait for a sale to get a new one) and it's hard to look back on last winter and laugh about that....maybe with time. I'll give you a tip--complete snow wear indoors at all times including heavy winter cap. Yes, even in SoCal--remember "climate change"--may it NOT be a permanent change but freezing happened here a lot last winter! Ha, ha.