July 13, 2007

Friday the Thirteenth

.....and wouldn't you know, those painter guys have put a ladder very close to our back door. I was very careful to steer clear of it when I went out to the printer's this morning to pick up the memorial invitations, but it didn't do me any good. I had some back luck anyway.

The invitations looked fine when I checked them over, but after I got home and pulled them out to show Mr. Gadget, I was very disappointed to find that only a few had been printed correctly, and the others had the text printed on the back of the front, AND upside down. Well. Back I went to talk to Kim, the very nice saleswoman who had, just a few minutes before, gushed about how great they were and how much she liked them. I'm pretty sure she tells all her customers that.

Anyway, she printed them over for me while I waited, using a different printer--one she said she was most comfortable with, and they came out better than the originals! I'm very pleased. Here's a peek.

Seems the first batch was in error because of a shift change. Hard to believe someone would be so anxious to leave work on time they couldn't finish 25 copies but it's true.
So tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be something-two. I plan to spend most of it sitting in seat 17A on Jet Blue, as Mr. G and I return to Connecticut. I've been threatening to wear one of those funny birthday hats all day, but Mr. G. says if I do he may have to find an alternate to 17B. I'll probably spend the flight doing some knitting (I finally got the cotton tank top frogged and restarted) and writing up a grocery list. I'm pretty sure Tech Guy has done some vacuuming, since he asked me a week ago if I had a vacuum, but I doubt he's stocked the fridge.

Mostly I hope he's evicted his little chipmunk buddy, and anything else wild that may have taken up residence in the house.
And a bit of good news to pass along. I now have 4 of the required 5 pirate tokens from boxes of Mr. G's favorite cereal. It won't be long now till I'm the proud owner of one of these....


Anonymous said...

Oh, my. That IS good news! Kind of blows mine out of the water. The invitation looks cool...all I could think of when I saw the photo was Kinsey Milhone in the Sue Grafton series. She had a car like that. Oh, and by the way? Don't assume that a question about the existence of a vacuum cleaner necessarily means that the male in question plans to use it to, um, vacuum! Ask me how I know.....! Good flight and Happy Birthday. Do you get cake on JB?

Anonymous said...

Happiest of birthdays!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Maybe a little late but better late than never!