February 15, 2007

Good Medicine

Today my condition has been upgraded from "crappy" to "just plain lousy." Lucky for me, Mr. Gadget has been willing to go to the drug store for medicine.

Since there's been very little knitting or craftiness going on.....make that none..... I will post a few more pictures of our Hawaiian adventure.

Our stateroom was on Deck 10 and just down the hall at the back of the ship was this great place. Not many people knew about it, so there were usually plenty of deck chairs available. On our return trip, this area provided several sunset photo ops.

While walking around downtown Honolulu, we concluded that many locals are big newspaper readers.

Here is a bike rack, Hawaiian-style.

Here is a view of Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head as the ship was awaiting the arrival of a small transport boat to pick up a sick passenger. Some ships have a helicopter landing area, but ours did not. While hanging out here, we saw 3 submarines.

Here I am on one of the sea days during our return to Los Angeles. The seas were pretty much like glass the whole way back. On our way to Hawaii, we had a day and a half of rough seas. We took our Bonine as a precaution, and didn't get seasick. On our first day out, with calm seas, Mr. Gadget was about to call the maintenance people because one of our ceiling tiles was rattling. He has a thing about rattles. I'm sure they would have just laughed. When the seas got rough, everything was rattling, shaking, booming and cracking. Kind of like one of those old "E" ticket rides at Disneyland.

I'll plan to be back tomorrow with some crafty content. I'm hoping by then my condition will have been upgraded to "gonna live." Meanwhile, I think I need some more medicine...heh...heh...

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