February 22, 2007

Congenial Tablemates

Mr. Gadget and I generously shared our lunch table with the manly sweater today. I discovered that a table for four nicely accommodates two place settings and one blocked sweater front. We were very careful not to share our food with it I might add.

Mr. G. is so impressed with the cable design down the center front that he can hardly contain himself. I'll be darned if I'm going to tell him how simple it was to do. He always wins at Scrabble. I'll let him believe I'm a knitting genius.

The sweater is all knitted now, except for the neckband which I will do after the shoulder seams are done. I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to join the shoulders, but I happened to be in Michael's today browsing through their book section (without coffee). And I happened to pick up a book on finishing techniques and happened to look up "seaming" in the glossary, and now I just happen to remember what they suggested. I'll try it tomorrow in the daylight......if I still remember.....

Yesterday I was in Joann's getting some pins for the sweater-blocking project, and I found this booklet for crocheted sock monkeys. It looks like just the thing for cleansing the palate, so to speak, between knitting projects.

I'm not sure I like the clothes, although the hats are kinda cute. I'm thinking these would be pretty neat peeking out of a couple of Christmas stockings. I always mean to stop that stocking nonsense now that TG and BCG are adults. It's just that it would be hard to disappoint them when they want to know why Santa didn't stop by the house.
So yesterday I received a cell phone call from Big City Girl that caused me a bit of mom stress. After it was over and I had calmed down, I got to thinking it would have been just the right kind of call to have had in a restaurant, right after some inconsiderate brute at the next table had hung up from his loud, obnoxious call and was just cutting into his big, juicy steak. It went something like this:
Me (VERY LOUDLY): "Hi honey. How are you? (Pause) What did you say? You think you have food poisoning? (Pause) You've been throwing up all day and you've got bad diarrhea? (another pause) So you had some chicken off of one of those sidewalk food carts, eh? Yep, I'm sure it wasn't properly refrigerated, and maybe it had some spoiled mayonnaise or something. (pause) Well, take it easy and drink plenty of fluids so you don't get dehydrated....and call me back if the vomiting and the pooping don't stop."
It did and she's better and the mom stress is less. Gotta love the big city.....

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