February 28, 2007

2 down, 7 to go

You may remember the cat I made for Olga, the lady who lives at the nursing home where my dad resides. Seems he was roughed up a bit--possibly by some of the other stuffed animals in Olga's menagerie who weren't so happy to have him joining their ranks. I noticed one day, while visiting with Olga, that he was missing his bow tie. So I brought him home for a little fix-it job. This required a trip to the nearby Joann's for a piece of red felt and some thread, but then I never need much of an excuse to browse a fabric store. Now he's almost good as new, and I figure he's got 7 lives left--just in case there's another tussle up there on the hill.

So while I was at Joann's.....with my "50% off one cut of fabric" coupon.....I found this cute rooster print. I have no idea what I will do with it. The print is a little large for one of my beanbag dolls, although I was thinking of a cow. It'll join my stash for now until some idea bubbles up to the surface. They were also having a 40% off sale on buttons, and I found these:

Again, I have no plans for them, but they were so darn cute. If things work out as they usually do, some day they will be just the right accessory for one of my creations. Stay tuned.

I've probably made the wise decision to hold off on the assembling of the manly cabled sweater until I get back to Connecticut where I can spread it out and pin it together properly, and maybe look up the directions on how to do it...heh...heh.... You may remember the last time I had to rip out a sleeve I had sewn in improperly (the Noro shawl-collared jacket). I cut into the sleeve and had to do some reknitting. Hmmmmm.....is that a word? I really do aspire to become a person who learns from her mistakes.....

So Dear Ol' Dad continues to hang in there. The nurses are quite surprised by his tenacity. The recent challenge has been to better control his pain, and I must say that hospice and the nursing home staff have been very diligent about this. It seems that "tweaking" is the name of the game. This morning they told me he was resting comfortably, so I will pay him a visit this afternoon. And I will return Olga's cat to the top of her dresser, where he will hopefully be well out of the way of the gang of thugs.....

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