January 14, 2007

What's this?

Weren't we in shock this morning when we awoke here in southern California to find the temperature a brisk 36 degrees! Mr. Gadget walked up to the corner to get a newspaper and insisted I come outside to see what might be a good photo op for the blog--ice on the sidewalk. So I humored him and here it is, with his shoe for scale..heh...heh...

The flight out yesterday was uneventful and very long. Before take-off, the flight attendant announced the duration of our flight would be 5 hours and 60 minutes. That was actually pretty close. It turned out to be 5 hours and 65 minutes. And during all of those minutes (365 if I'm not mistaken), I was able to make some progress on the manly sweater. I brought all of the yarn with me, so I do have hopes of getting most of it done while I'm here in the sunny but frigid west.

So I searched the condo thoroughly and couldn't find the pattern for the elderberry sweater. Sadly, I'm just as disorganized on the west coast as I am on the east. I ended up biting the bullet and calling Green Mountain Spinnery to order another. It should be here soon--I'm sure before I finish the manly sweater. But did I mention that Mr. G. and I are going on another cruise? The manly sweater will be just right for cruise knitting, since it is knitted in pieces and will be more portable. The elderberry is knitted in one piece basically, and I'm not going to need a big blanket on my lap where we're going.

And yesterday, after unpacking my suitcase (I beat Mr. Gadget--definitely a first!) I did get up to the nursing home to see Dear Ol' Dad. He's doing so-so. He was fast asleep when I got there, so I waited a while for him to wake up, and then we had a short visit. I caught him up on the family news. I told him I'd make him some peanut butter cookies--one of his favorites. Then, just out of the blue, he asked me what I thought of the canoes. I have no idea what he was talking about, but I hope he gets out and about on the lake now and then for a pleasant little paddle. Such a nice change from his bed at the nursing home.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Something is goofy with blogger. Anyway I think the color of envy is green. Where are you going to cruise? Hawaii?