January 19, 2007


So I went on an errand this morning and picked up some cruise essentials. I'm pretty sure I mentioned that Mr. Gadget and I are going cruising again soon. A week from today we'll be setting sail on a 15-day trip to Hawaii. It was all his idea and who am I to argue? The way we look at it, there may be just a small window of opportunity between the kids leaving the nest and the nursing home. I've always been fond of the old saying: "Life is uncertain; eat dessert first."

We've never worried about motion sickness on previous cruises because they've always been in calm waters. But this one starts out with 4 days at sea and I've heard the Pacific Ocean can be unpredictable. We best be prepared. After all, it would be a real disappointment if we couldn't make it to the dining room.

I bought a box of greeting cards a while back. I love the picture and thought these would be great for sending to some of my girlfriends on their birthdays. Especially the girlfriends I grew up with and with whom I spent many summer days at the beach.

Of course, the drawing made me think of handmade dolls. It might be difficult to do the bathing suits; maybe sundresses would be easier. And I'd have to master the pattern for bare feet. It's fun to hark back to the beach-going days of my youth. I was quite the seamstress then. I had a two-piece bathing suit (before the bikini era, thankfully!) that I loved. It had a bra top and a bottom that was short shorts. When it started looking a little tattered, I took it all apart and used it as a pattern to make several more. I never had a great figure; I was always dieting even back then. But I always had a reputation for having the best tan and the most bathing suits.

So Mr. Gadget and I are going out for a sushi dinner tonight. There's a little place down by the beach that has a weekday early-bird special. We plan to get our fill of sushi before the cruise, since on our last one they tried to serve us spam sushi. Yes, that's right....SPAM. Well, you can probably guess what Mr. G. and I said to that! "No thank you......."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You lucky duckies! Have a bon voyage! I think this is the right time for that cruise! Mr. G. has good ideas.