August 28, 2020

The chicken that couldn't cross the road

He's still under construction, but soon will have legs attached and the ability to wander around the house, and maybe even across the road.  During my morning walk I always check out the chickens next door (who live very harmoniously with the turkeys) to assist me in figuring out where to place the legs, and where more feathers might enhance his whimsical chicken appearance.  It's a bit of a nature study.  By the way, I haven't seen the ducks lately so I'm speculating that maybe they've been trucked off to the local French restaurant.

It wasn't my plan to make a chicken.  I had a big blob of felt that was destined to become a cat in a basket.  But then I lost interest in the cat idea and decided I could probably poke and prod the blobiness into a chicken shape.  It's the biggest decision I've made since March.

I have several other projects underway.  I'm adding flowers to a jeans jacket that has long been a work in progress.  I'm also making a patchwork Christmas stocking.  I have no deadlines looming because of craft show cancellations so I'm kind of like a free-range chicken in my Treehouse.

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