August 11, 2020

What to do when the power goes out

First you curse.  Then you discuss with your husband just how long you think the power outage might last.  And then you get hit with high winds that are Isaias's final blast and you decide that it might be awhile.  But you never suspected it would be 4+ days.

Thankfully, you have a portable generator that will keep you going somewhat.  You have to feed it gasoline but it will keep your fridge cold and, most important of all, allow you to make coffee.

Mr. Gadget was our designated gas gopher, and our neighbor pitched in because we were sharing our power with him via a long extension cord.  I rode along on the first gas outing, but then allowed Mr. G to go on his own. He was not in a good mood and my coping abilities are minimal before I've had my coffee.

So now we're through that ordeal and back to the regular ordeal of pandemic life.  Here are a couple of my ordeal projects:

A patchwork placemat--one of two--that I finished on the sewing machine. I practiced my hand-stitching until my stitching finger got sore.  I haven't been kind to it over the years.

I also did a decoupage project.  This was a box Big City Girl had given me, and I hope she isn't annoyed that I refashioned it.  These cute sheep were just the right size and were begging me to put them on the cover.  

I didn't do a very good job, but then I'm not a decoupager by nature.  I'll find some clear tape to doctor up the edges.  

So that's what I did during my prison time vacation from electricity.  

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