June 02, 2020

Small fibers of goodness

There's a lot of bad news at the moment.  Sad, depressing, discouraging news. But I do have a few small tufts of good news to report. The neighborhood birds have made use of my repurposed Clementine bag o' fiber in their nest constructions.
This morning Mr. Gadget decided to dismantle the annual bird nest at the top of our deck awning. I had admonished him to wait until it had been vacated, and no peeps had been heard for a week or two. Today I gave him the go-ahead. Those birds were an industrious bunch with a substantial construction crew.  When the twigs and feathers started to land on the deck below I was able to see the fruits of my efforts.
Mr. Gadget rolled his eyes when I told him I'd sweep up the mess because I wanted to pick through the debris and maybe take a photo or two. 

Next year I will crochet a small bag for the fiber.  I have the perfect cording I discovered during an archeological dig here in the Treehouse.  And maybe I'll add some brighter colors to the stash.  Perhaps that will result in more interesting debris to examine.  I am easily amused.

If only the world's woes could be remedied with a small bag o' fiber.

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