June 15, 2020

Haute Couture

Last week I got a new phone...not that I needed one.  My old phone was serving me well.  I'm a gal who rarely uses her phone and considers it mostly just for emergencies.  But Mr. Gadget believed I needed to be more modern and up-to-date.  If I had my way I'd retire completely from the technology world.  Well, almost. I do enjoy writing the blog. And I like the occasional texting to and fro with Big City Girl.  Just not the part where I have to dish out mom advice in short, quick pokes.

So here I am now with my brand new phone and, thankfully, a book entitled I-phones for Seniors.  I almost made it to Chapter 2 before I had to ask Mr. G to translate a few tech-speak abbreviations. WTH!  Obviously there needs to be a book called I-phones for Senior Dummies.  

One of the first things I did was make my new phone a patchwork jacket.

I've made several of these phone jackets for friends.  The biggest challenge was finding Velcro in the colors I wanted.  Lucky for me, I live just a train ride away from NYC and the garment district.  Big City Girl was happy to meet me for lunch and Velcro shopping.

I lost my previous phone jacket in a restaurant near San Francisco.  It would have been too small for my new phone anyway.  Sometimes when something goes missing I just accept that it was ready to be adopted by a new owner.  So I hope that person is enjoying a pretty red and purple handmade phone jacket that's been around the block a few times.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I gave my sewing machine to my daughter hoping that I could use not having one as an excuse for not making projects. Then the mask thing became a much-needed project. After hand sewing 7 of them, I did take my friend's offer of her machine, just to finish up dozens more. When I wanted to return it, she said just keep it I don't use it anymore. I think I have a problem.