December 04, 2015

Swimming lessons

I'm not a very adventurous gal. I usually just put my big toe in the water so I'm sure not to get in over my head. But when it comes to crafty projects, I always jump right in the deep water without my swimmies.
So I started this big needle-felted Santa a few months ago, thinking I might put him in a craft show. I sewed a cone shape out of an old red sweater and stuffed it to use as the base.  No sense using up precious felting fiber for his internal organs.

Now that it's almost Christmas--and his season to shine--I've decided to finish him and keep him for least for this year.  I'm embellishing him with embroidery and will add some beads.  I have a fabric Santa I made several years ago that I never took a shine to, but he has an excellent beard.  So a transplant is in order. He should look rather dapper when he's done, so stay tuned.

I have a couple more Santas here in the Treehouse that are in various stages of doneness.  I had hoped to put them in the craft show, but realized very soon that my Christmas plate was already piled pretty high and there would always be next year.

One is this paper mache guy.  I noticed rather late in the game that his big sack of toys seemed to defy gravity, so I took a chisel to him and balanced things out.  Then I had to add more clay and repaint, and, well, I just put him on the time-out shelf.
This one will be a primitive Santa.  He needs more work.  He's a little unbalanced too.  I don't think he needs a psychiatrist; a few more beans in his butt should do the trick.

The house decorating will begin this weekend.  Mr. Gadget has hauled the tree upstairs along with the boxes of ornaments.  We will both assemble the tree, I will fluff it, he will string the lights, and I will decorate it.....while trying not to block his view of the football game.  We are well entrenched in our traditions.

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