November 21, 2015

"You can skip my house this year Santa!"

I think I may have over-Santaclaused and it's not even December yet.  That big red suit hurts my eyes and that constant ho-ho-ho-ing is making me edgy. Forget about the reindeer!  They're cute and all, but they don't smell good.
I should have some good recoop time now though, since this whole gaggle was deposited this morning at the old hotel for the holiday craft show. The ladies who checked me in were doing a little ho-ho-ho-ing themselves when they saw what I brought.  "Oh, this will go, and that will go!"  they exclaimed.  "You won't have anything to take back home!"  They're always so kind.  

"And by the way," they added, "you should bring more felted pumpkins next year."  There's a lady, they said, who comes to the fall show as soon as it opens and walks around gathering up my pumpkins.

When I got to the bee ornaments, they really started buzzing.
 I found some in my craft closet (when I was cleaning it out for the hosing).  I scribbled them in on the bottom of my inventory sheet.  "Oh, those will fly right out the door!" said my ever-so-perky cheerleaders. I considered returning home to scrounge around for more junk, I mean artful creations, since they were in such a receptive mood and all, but the traffic was thickening up.

Meanwhile, I'm going to stay in the house for the next few weeks which should pretty much eliminate any chances of further Santa sightings.  As Christmas approaches I may even put some yellow police tape across the chimney.

1 comment:

Jen said...

First, I LOVE your Santas! So soft and beautiful! Love! I have my Santa ("with buns" is how I have labeled his storage box) displayed and my bee ornament on the tree, and my oh so custom H, C & B ornaments. I feel so privileged to have so many of your creations! Thank you! Funny, the bee is the ONLY ornament Jasper bothered and it was before it was on the tree. It was sitting on the couch waiting for someone to put it on. My niece said, "In his defense, it does sort of look like a cat toy." To him just about everything is a cat toy! Don't worry, no harm came to the bee.