October 08, 2013

Traveling pants

I closed up the Witchworks for the season and, without even taking one day off, I opened up The Pants Factory.
These aren't plain ol' pants I'm talking about. These are festive pants.  These are traveling pants.  More specifically, these are cruise pants.

Yep, Mr. Gadget and I are about to set off on another voyage.  Why stay home and worry about our money, we wondered, when we can spend it to float away from this whole ridiculous government mess and just let the chips fall where they may. So we're going to Tahiti.  We're taking our friends with us, because they are just as fed up as we are.  We'll fly out next week to the Calcondo for a couple of nights, then board the ship for 28 days of floating.

Mr. Gadget, who is a proud supporter of this blog, has suggested that while onboard I try signing on to the blog website and posting as I normally do rather than trying to email my posts--which, for whatever reason, never works.  And he's graciously offered to foot the bill for any extra internet minutes I might need.  Oh, I know it sounds generous, but really...it will never measure up to his wine bill.

So back to the pants.  I had a great pattern for capri pants, but I must have filed it away in a secret drawer somewhere.  I knew this called for some creative problem-solving because I had no interest in buying a new pattern that probably wouldn't fit me anyway.  So I made a cup of coffee and did a little knitting.  Before long I had the answer.  I would take apart a pair of capris I had sewn a few years ago that I've never worn because the fabric print was a little too weird.  I like looking festive, but I refuse to be a spectacle.

This was a good solution.  I'm amassing a collection of capris that will serve me well for the cruise.  Their best feature is the elastic waistband.  These will allow for maximum enjoyment of the buffet.  In fact, I believe I sufficiently overlapped the elastic so that, if need be, I can do a little emergency surgery on them....like if the cruise line ever decides to reinstate the midnight chocolate extravaganza.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Wonderful. Sounds great -- get away from it all. Cruise on........!