October 19, 2013

Setting sail soon

Our cruising foursome is now at the Calcondo and doing a little last minute packing before leaving for the ship in a few hours.  I'm trying to decide on the best way to do my blog posts....so this is a little experiment.  Since internet minutes on the ship are not free, it makes good sense to write offline and then copy and paste.  I've been told that MS Word (my original plan) doesn't work well on Blogger so I'm using Notepad.  Though it's probably not the best solution (no option to change font size, etc.) it's better than emailing my posts to a big black hole.

The four of us have many suitcases.  One lady actually laughed when she saw us at the airport baggage claim.  But we found a nice van taxi driver who agreed to take us to the Calcondo, and he didn't seem put off when we asked if he could come back for us today and take us to the ship.  It remains to be seen if he'll actually show up.

So I'm going to wrap this up now....since Mr. Gadget seems intent on packing the computer NOW.  When he gets on a roll it's in my best interest to find a place to hide.....or shop.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Bon Voyage from me and John---commenting from beautiful Madera, California where we are vacationing until tomorrow then off to the Narrow Gauge Inn just before south entrance to Yosemite-- until Tuesday. Have a smooth cruise----and lots of sun and fun!