September 16, 2013

A walk in the woods

She's a little unconventional--
this witch of my own design.
She came to life in my sketchbook
while imbibing in the fruit of the vine.
No shopping trip was needed.
Finding body parts was a breeze.
I rummaged through my crafty stash
and foraged through the trees.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Cute. Funny we don't speak to our next door neighbors for about 5 plus years now. In a mailbox mix up, the woman next door announced to me that she would call the police if she ever saw me on her front porch again. She never has. And Hubbs says do not speak to anyone next door and except to say and occasional (in the last five years) Merry Christmas and a "Hi" if I see her out when I'm walking and she is walking her words at all have passed between us. And we like it that way! Good the spores were pretty easy to remove.