April 05, 2013


Mr. Gadget has a way with words. He always knows just the right words for what he means, and he rarely goes off on tangents like I do. 

So when he shopped for a card to give me on our anniversary yesterday, he selected one that was short and to the point.
He waited until today to give me my gift.  He went with a friend to the car show in NYC, and left me in the house alone all day.  It was almost as good as chocolate.

I felt a little sorry for him though.  Since his friend was driving, Mr. G. offered to pay for the parking.  The bill was $60.  That's New York for you.  Actually, it was just $50, but there was a premium for a pick-up truck....which is what his friend was driving.  But his friend took pity on Mr. Gadget--since they had no idea the parking would be so expensive--and he offered to split it with him.  So it was almost a bargain at $30, and left him enough to pay $5 for a third-rate hot dog. 

I enjoyed my alone time, and was blissfully wallowing in the solitude...until the grounds crew started up one of their fancy machines.
It was a mulch-spreader-hose thingie and it was loud.  And it took two guys to operate it.....one to hold the hose, and one to talk with Mulch Headquarters to get specific instructions on spreading the mulch...that he then passed on to the  hose guy.  Mr. Gadget arrived home just as they were finishing the spreading of the mulch, and then it was time to decide what to make for dinner.

So I'm thinking this anniversary gift was clearly defective.  And I'm thinking of asking Mr. Gadget to return it for a better one.  One that's much quieter and a lot less mulchy.


Kathy W. again said...

TYPICALLLLL! Noise when everything is peaceful.301

Kathy W said...

Funny the .301--where'd that come fron?