April 19, 2013

Leaving the perch

Mr. Gadget and I are going away for a week.  But, alas, it is not a cruise!  Our friends have a timeshare in Grand Cayman and have invited us to join them.  And we have an empty week on the calendar, so why not?  We have to leave for the airport at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, but after that it should be pain-free.

So I thought I'd share a photo of something I made for Big City Girl.
Tree placemats and wine-glass cloth napkins.  I tried to find fabric with leaves for the napkins, but no luck, so I went with the wine.  She has some red dishes that should look nice with them.  I'm hopeful they won't morph into dustmops.

Now I'm going to finish packing and get to bed at a reasonable hour.  Then I'll lay awake worrying about whether the alarm will go off. And if I packed everything I'll need.  And if there'll be road construction on the way to the airport.  And if the flight will be bumpy.  And if I'll have the courage to wear my bathing suit.  Sometimes traveling can be a lot of work.....but somebody's gotta do it...

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

How is the weather on the island? Remember don't let the grass grow under your feet! Peripatetic doesn't cover it. (Hope I got that long word right!).