April 10, 2013

More blood-letting

I've discovered a new hobby.  Not that I need a new hobby.  It's called needle-felting and it's almost as life-threatening as woodcarving.  Good thing I stocked up on bandaids.
And really, the dried blood doesn't show much on the black.  This is the first of my felted bags--the one I wasn't thrilled with.  It's not obvious in the photo, but the edge of the flap doesn't lay flat.  So I decided to use it as a practice piece.....and now...I think some of the thrill is back.  I'll put the strap on and a snap closure and keep it in the family.

I decided, for a change, that it might be wise to get some lessons on needle felting before jumping in blindly--as I am so often wont to do. So I went to that magic how-to-do-anything place--Youtube.  It's so handy to have an everything teacher right here in the house.

After viewing a few videos I just sort of belly-flopped in. And, surprisingly, it's pretty easy to do.  Certain needle-felted items might take some practice, but just punching colorful wool fibers into an already-felted bag wasn't all that difficult.  The trick is to keep the barbed needle--the tool of the trade--away from your fingers.  So it helps to have the bandaids handy.....and an urgent care facility just down the street.

I'll tell you more about needle felting soon.  Now I need to prepare for Big City Girl's arrival later today and the big wedding extravaganza this weekend.  The bride will be sorely mistaken if she thinks she'll be the center of attention at this gala affair. It will most definitely be the ring-bearer's pillow, don't we all agree?  I'm going to try to arrange for a spotlight to follow it down the aisle.  

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