April 16, 2013

Roosting on a perch of possibilities

Finally, after four years in the Concondo, the building next to ours is finished and we have a new neighbor. She seems like a pleasant woman, although how much can one discern from a quick howdy-while-passing-a-plate-of-cookies moment?  Time will tell. 

Her condo is a mirror image of ours, so my Treehouse windows are almost directly opposite hers--although I doubt that she names her rooms like I do. But I'm kinda curious what she thinks of the crocheted rocks on my windowsill.
And crocheted rocks are a little unusual in themselves, but what must she think of the critters that live on them?  I'm assuming her eyesight is better than mine.  Then again, I've been known to get the binoculars out if I'm really intent on poking into someone's business.  

And it's not as if there's just one critter.  They seem to be multiplying.  This new neighbor may have already decided to keep a safe distance from me.

So, I'm about to hatch a plan.  An idea bubbled up in my brain the other day (Mr. Gadget calls these brain farts).  Wouldn't it be fun, I thought, for all of the creative people in the complex to gather for a show-and-tell.  There are many talented residents.  There's Mr. Gadget with his woodworking. There's a Norwegian knitter, a model shipbuilder, a textile artist, a jewelry maker.....and me with all my stuff.  And new people are moving in all the time.  Who knows what treasures are yet to be discovered?

I've proposed the idea to the deciders and am now waiting for an answer.  Soon I should know if it's fledge-ready.....or if I've just laid an egg.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Fun to have a new neighbor and those sharing plans could be very much fun....too.