March 21, 2013

This and that and the other thing

So I did the interview with my bike-riding neighbors and wrote the article--all in two days.  That's pretty darn quick for me, as I usually have to wrestle with my words for several days before I can pin them down.  I have to credit the blog for all the writing practice it gives me, and to you, my tolerant readers, who never say a word about my for instance....putting a tiger picture up with a story about the Serengeti.  Mr. Gadget Smartypants informed me of that one after I posted.

But just in case you've ever wondered if dogs wear goggles, they do.

And they're not just for show. They serve a purpose by keeping flying road debris out of a dog's eyes.  The article was fun to write, and I learned something about tandem biking in the process.  The rider in front maintains total control of the bike, and the rider in back must relinquish all control.....which is why I could never ride the rear seat in a tandem.  I'd probably hit the brakes when I noticed Mr. Gadget making a move to pass two old ladies in the slow lane.

I'm already assuming my article will be well-received, and am thinking about other residents I might interview.  If it doesn't make it into print, I will hide my head in shame and find another knitting project for solace.  Speaking of which, I finished another black felted bag and I'm more pleased with its size.  This one still needs some lining and a snap closure. 

I've started a white one that will be slightly narrower--as a birthday gift for a friend.  And while I was in the yarn store buying the white yarn, I found a sweater pattern that I just had to have.  I'm hoping I have some yarn on hand for it.  I was never like this in my early days of knitting.  My process then was to *buy sweater pattern, buy yarn for sweater, knit, sew knitted pieces together, wear sweater(or banish it to the back of a dresser drawer), repeat from *.  Now we knitters--and I'm pretty comfortable speaking for the collective whole here--buy yarn and build a stash, and then live with the guilt, and then deal with the dilemma of how we will possibly be able to knit it all in one lifetime.  Most of us figure we're just going to have to come back.

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