September 01, 2012

The Firth of Forth

The Firth of Forth is the estuary of the River Forth in Scotland.  I've always loved the alliteration with its hint of a lisp.
So when I decided to blog about the 4 witch dolls in various states of construction here in the Treehouse, I chose to call this one the firth of forth.

Her head is the original one I had planned to use for the librarian....until I realized it was too small for the body I had in mind.  So I stuck it on an old styrofoam cone I've had in the closet for years.  Always good to use-up is my motto.  I cut off the top and stuck some wire through for arms.  The cone has been covered with paper mache.  Today I gave her some hands and a witch hat--both out of paper clay.  Once dry, I'll put some paper-mache sleeves on her, and then decide if I want to make a black cat for her to hold, or something much simpler and less time-consuming.

You may have guessed that I'm a big fan of witch season. I've already started work on the next one in line--which will probably have to be called the tooth of forth.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

See you with Judith for our next hamburger/coffee meeting when you return to the westerncondo.