September 29, 2012

Dump day

Today I delivered my crafty items to the old hotel for their show next weekend.  Sometimes I refer to this as dump day. Before I leave I usually tell Mr. Gadget, "I'm going up to the hotel to dump my stuff."

The drive up the several miles of two-lane curvy road was somewhat exciting with an Audi behind me in a big hurry, and a Jeep ahead that continuously crossed over the double line.  But I made it safely and met up with Caleb, a nice young man who was happy to check off the 37 items on my inventory sheet with his mom quietly supervising.

So, here are some of the 37--starting with the pumpkin.
It's not quite this bright in real life.  I thought it worthy of the show, and if it doesn't sell it'll be home in time for Halloween.  
You've already seen this one in my last post.
This gal was made out of paper mache and paper clay.  I used a plastic Coffee-Mate container as a base.  That's vintage tatting around the top of her dress--made years ago by my grandmother.
I used a styrofoam cone as the base for this one. Her head was originally intended for the librarian, but it was too small.  She was also made of paper mache and paper clay.
This is my favorite witch face.  I sculpted it out of paper clay and used it with my trusty ol' cloth doll pattern.
I'm definitely done with witches for this year.  I guess it's possible to over-witch.  I feel like I've got a haggy hangover.  Next year maybe I'll wise up and start my witch-making process in January and move along through the year at a more leisurely pace.  But first I've gotta make a few Santas...

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Gotta say, you've got the snack for witches!!!! Hope your dump provides some good feedback in the form of $. Always fun to make a little at the dump. lolol