September 10, 2012

Just like Santa in his workshop

I've been busy in the Treehouse--stitch, stitch, stitching, paint, paint, painting, stuff, stuff, stuffing--trying to make sure everything comes together before the end of the month when I have to deliver stuff, I mean wonderful works of art, to the old hotel craft fair.

And just for the heck of it, I decided it would be fun to make a paper-mache pumpkin.
It seemed easy enough to stuff a liquor-store-sized brown paper bag with wadded-up newspaper to use as a form.  Oh that Mr. Gadget.  He's always thinking of me and my crafting needs.  I looked around on the internet to see what techniques other pumpkin-makers were using and I soon realized there's a better way. I'll do it that way next time....if I decide to go for two.

In my last post (what was it, 2 or 3 months ago?) I showed you the beginnings of my firth of forth witch doll.  She's moving right along, and here is some progress on the twoth.
I made the body (the bowling-pin shape) out of duck cloth.  It's very sturdy and nice and firm when painted.  The arms are paper clay over wire.  I have some witchy accessories for her to case you were wondering if it was my intention to make an I'm-a-little-teapot witch.

I'm happy to report that the black and white kitty with no name has arrived at the Concondo and is keeping guard by the fireplace. 

We never know when a critter of some kind might come down the chimney.  Which makes me realize, I'd better move him before Christmas...

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Cool Cat!