August 18, 2012

Saturday stuff

Nope, I'm not finished with the cat.
I had a bright idea.....I have those every so take a picture of the cat--which is mostly white because that's the color of the dried paper mache pulp.  Then I made a copy of the picture on the copy machine.  Next, I colored some stripes with an orange pencil.  Now I have a half-vast painting plan...

I mixed up more mache this afternoon to use for finishing touches, and I had some leftover so I used it on this:
It's a plastic Coffee-Mate container that I've covered in pulp.  I have a witch in mind, since it's getting up to witching season.  It was so nice of Mr. Gadget to make available his super-sized Marguerita glass for my doll-drying purposes.  Well, maybe he was taking a nap and I sort of borrowed it.  He has a pair so I couldn't foresee an emergency.

And speaking of Mr. G., yesterday he wasn't feeling well.  I figured as much because very soon after he got up he was horizontal on the couch.  He said his back was a little sore and his stomach was upset.  So I did what every good wife would do, I left to have lunch with a friend.  Well, I wasn't a complete jerk--which is what you're thinking, I know.  I brought him a bottle of water, covered him up with an afghan, made sure the phone was within easy reach, and told him to call me if he needed me to come home.  Today he's much better.  That may well be because I wasn't here hovering.

My friend and I usually meet at a mall in west LA.  It's a good midway point.  I always look forward to seeing the latest LA styles and the malls are where they're in full flower.

I just don't get this look, but it's the height of fashion here.  Boots (with socks) and short shorts.  I don't know about you, but in the summer I must let my feet breathe.  I'm all about sandals and letting my toes get fresh air.  I used to my younger years....that it was much better to look good than to feel good...but not anymore.  I think I was 60 when I came to my senses.  I've even been known to wear the same thing two or three days in a row, but let's just keep that between us, shall we?

I could go on and on but I think I'll just stop right here.  Don't get me started on bra straps.....


Kathy W. said...

I can truly identify with your comfortable wardrobe. What is she thinking? Ah youth.

Kathy W. again said...

Beautiful cat.....!