August 14, 2012

Alone together

Sometimes Mr. Gadget and I go to different movies together.  This always requires careful pre-planning. First, we must find a multiplex with movies that appeal to both of us--an action/adventure for him and a chick flick for me--and ones that start and end around the same time.  Whereas I could occasionally go along with him, in the interest of being a good wife, and pretend to enjoy his choice, it would be more like him having a periodontal procedure to do the same for me.  

So this morning we went to see our respective choices:  Batman for him and Hope Springs for me.  The only problem was that the running time of his was almost 3 hours and mine was just an hour forty.  This could have been a problem if the movie theaters hadn't been in a mall where I was able to spend the extra time browsing in the book store.  But I did kinda wonder how Batman could be that long, so I questioned him about it.

"How could it be that Batman needed all that time to fix whatever he was called on to fix when a couple who've been married more than 30 years can completely transform their relationship in just over an hour and a half?" 

"Well,"  he said,  "sometimes it takes Batman a long time to put on his cape."

"Maybe so," I said, "but there's gotta be more to it than that."

"Oh yeah, I just remembered," he said.  "There was a real long line at the Costco gas station when he stopped to fill up the Batmobile."

1 comment:

Kathy W. said...

That Costco seems busy at the pumps most of the time when I go for my hotdog and cola fix! Great idea to go to multiplex and different movies!