August 13, 2011

Saturday sniffles

Yep, I've got a cold. I guess I should feel grateful I didn't have it last weekend when we traveled up the Onion Highway for the big dessert, I mean seafood, buffet and the garlic and wine extravaganza. And it should be gone by the time we return to the Concondo in a little over a week. But still. A cold is a big annoyance.

I've been stitching more hearts. It's never too early to think about Valentine's Day. And speaking of that, this morning Mr. Gadget bought me a bouquet of flowers at the farmer's market....and then carried them all the way to the car. I offered to carry them...figuring he might feel a little silly. But he said no, that he was sufficiently secure in his manhood. I'm not sure, but he may have assumed he'd get some nice-guy points on the blog.

I finally finished the contest doll--thanks to Mr. Gadget and his gadgety goodness. His clamps held the hands in place on the glass bottle so I didn't have to stay up all night doing the same.

All appears to be secure now, and I've made arrangements to deliver the doll on Wednesday to the people who will judge. Mr. Gadget deserves some recognition for his engineering expertise. In addition to his clamping skills, he offered advice on how to prevent the entire assemblage from toppling over. I suppose I should make him an apple pie....and I'd better get some ice cream to go with it....considering the floral gift and all.

So now I must go and find some tissues and cough drops. Bah....humbug!

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