August 24, 2011


I'm back in the Treehouse and Mr. Gadget is back in his basement office, and we are luxuriating in our respective spaces--conveniently separated by the main-floor buffer zone. Somehow we always manage to leave the small, single-story two-bedroom Calcondo (sadly bufferless) just one day before I send Mr. G out on an extended hike. We get along famously for the most part, and I know I'm a lucky woman, but after several weeks of togetherness his nudginess begins to wear. The good thing about the Concondo is that when he shouts something up two flights, I just say, "What? I can't hear you. Let's talk at dinner."

The flight back was fine except for one small annoyance. No sooner had we sat ourselves down in seats 17A and B when the pilot announced we would be staying put for a while because of an earthquake on the east coast. Just to be safe, he said, the JFK control tower had been evacuated. An hour later we were in the air, which wasn't too bad all things considered.

So now that I'm back in the Treehouse, I've added my California strawberries to my Connecticut strawberries....
.....and my west-coast dishcloths to my east-coast ones....
....and the hearts are hangin' with the birds.

I may be making more of these in the days to come because we're expecting a hurricane. And no doubt the power will be out for a long time and I'll be forced to forego any kind of housework. I've never met a hurricane, although I was teased by one once. That was in south Texas. That's where they belong. Not here. We're blizzard people.

So if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know why. I'll be here doing handwork by candle light and eating cold soup.....all the while trying to keep Mr. Gadget calm and reassured while he's in the throes of electronic withdrawal.

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