August 25, 2011


Today, while I've watched news about the approaching hurricane, I've been perusing my stock of doll fixins to see what I might be able to whip up for the old hotel craft show this fall. Whip up as in what can I make with a minimum of effort that will look well thought out, nicely color coordinated, and guaranteed to sell. I probably should have started earlier...

I have several witch hats awaiting accessorizing.

I have a nice stash of witch shoes.
Can't forget these.

I've got some interesting witch fabric. This one calls for a bone necklace.

The perusing is fun. So is making little piles of possibilities. And I definitely enjoy the character building. Soon I'll be throwing the factory switch to get things up and running.

So Tech Guy is coming over this evening to have dinner and do some laundry. I get the feeling he's not taking this hurricane business very seriously, and I have no intention of inviting him over to hang with us. The thought of two people in the house going through serious testosterone-laden electronic withdrawal is more than I want to experience. He can suffer through it in the privacy of his own apartment. But at least he'll have clean clothes.

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