May 10, 2010

Yo Mama's Day

I sent an email to Tech Guy and Big City Girl at the end of last week in hopes I could save them a trip to the mall in search of a Mother's Day gift for me. I was fairly certain, knowing them as I do, that they hadn't gotten around to their mom shopping yet.
"You both know," I wrote, "that I'm a mom who likes handmade gifts, and not those boring and expensive ones you'd only find at the mall. Handmade is always better than store-bought is my motto."
I'm sure they were both greatly relieved. And I know they worked all weekend like little Christmas elves. They did not disappoint.
After we arrived at the restaurant and were seated at our table, they handed me a pretty package with a blue bow. It was an album. Here's the cover:
I think you have to live on the east coast, or at least in our family, to appreciate that Yo, Mama is an endearing term. Inside the cover was some poetry.Following were many pages, all hand-lettered, hand-drawn, and/or collaged containing a silly, yet wonderful, collection of riddles.

It's a treasure worth displaying on my coffee table. Except I don't have a coffee table. Maybe I can convince Mr. Gadget to make me one when he's done with the curio thingie. Probably not though. He'll probably assume I'll end up using it as a place to store crafty clutter. That would be so unlike me....


Stefanie said...

My! What talented children you have! : )

Kathy W. said...

I got a card that had a baby in viewing a laptop computer which in the bubble said "Could never find a better mom than you..." open up and baby looks at me and bubble says:"...not even on Craig's List! Happy Mother's Day". Kind of cute for a couple of semi creative computer engineers (little bro was allowed by big bro to sign card)!
Now who gets these store bought fancy gifts???? Yes, your kids are super creative but that just means that they are chips off the old blocks! Loved the Yo Mama jokes! And I'm fond of Mother's Day because we get to see the kids (least so far). Glad you enjoyed your day, too.