May 13, 2010

Hamming it up

Oh my stars--as my Grandma Ferna used to say. The Treehouse is starting to look like a pigpen. Maybe I should go ahead and make the cow doll I already have cut out and then just do a total barnyard clean-up.
Good thing Sister Mary Rebellious has her back turned to the whole mess.No telling what damage she could do with a well-placed ruler, and I guess she'd be within her rights--what with me being such an irresponsible dollmaker and all...
My plan was to put a nice ruffled clown-style collar on this porker, but it wouldn't have worked well with the mouth being so low on the face. I really should learn to plan ahead. That's probably worth another ruler whack. I always seem to jump into things with little or no planning and then have to pay the price. In this case, I decided the beads and boa would do. Then a little eye shadow was in order. No earrings though. No sense going hog-wild.

In other news, Mr. Gadget has been hard at work on my curio thingie.

Unlike me, Mr. Gadget always plans ahead. Notice that precise drawing he's working from? No Sister Mary whacks for him.

"What's for dinner?" he asked, as I observed his fine woodworking skills.
"Oh, I don't know," I said. "But for some reason, I've got a real hankerin' for some navy beans and ham."


Nancy Anne said...

Oh, my - you always elicit at least a smile and often I find myself laughing out loud. Thanks for making my day on a regular basis! I'll just be out here lurking and laughing...:)

Marcia said...

I might need to have a pig for my collection one of these days! The angel has a permanent place of honor up on top of the hutch overlooking the dining room table...goes perfectly with my "decor", if you can call it that!