October 04, 2009

Sunday scarecrow

Big City Girl and I were looking forward to some mother-daughter scarecrow-making yesterday, but the weather didn't cooperate. Sadly, she couldn't stay over till today--the rain date. I wasn't sure I wanted to go by myself, and it was so not Mr. Gadget's thing. But finally I said to myself, "What the heck. Why not?"
Here's what a scarecrow skeleton looks like, in case you've always wondered.Hmmm......I'm not sure I'm doing this correctly. If only BCG were here. She would know.This family had the right idea. They made a witch. How hard could that be?
OK. Now I think I'm getting the hang of it. He's gonna be a real hunk.
But not nearly as hunky as her scarecrow. He gave me quite a fright when I turned around suddenly. Good thing I wasn't holding a hot cup of coffee or something.

Mostly the moms were dressing the scarecrows....with occasional help from their little hay handlers.

Here he is on the front porch. Not too bad for a first attempt. He could use a little tweaking, but can't we all? What do you think, BCG? Husband material?

1 comment:

Marcia said...

I think he's great! I should make one for our front porch, but I keep waiting for the guy who is supposed to FIX our front porch. Three years and counting, so maybe I'll do the scarecrow! How was the craft fair?