October 22, 2009

Fernando gets lucky

This is Fernando, one of several of my dolls that sold at the craft fair in the old hotel. Fernando is one lucky frog. See that ladybug on his foot? Ladybugs bring luck, you know. I purchased it on one of my bead-shopping extravaganzas--with no special embellishment plans in mind. Then it occurred to me, as I was finishing up Fernando, that a frog foot would make a good landing spot for a ladybug. I hope Fernando was lucky enough to find a good home.
And speaking of ladybugs, here is a photo I took today of the back of our condo.
I was outside enjoying the warm sunshine (wasn't it snowing just a few days ago?) and discovered our building was covered with hundreds of ladybugs. I probably should have run right out and purchased a lottery ticket.
There are some benefits to not selling all of my dolls at a craft fair. It means I have plenty of accessories suitable for home decorating.
I think Delores adds a nice touch to the guest bathroom.
Especially when paired with a festive orange hand towel.....
.....and some tissues to match her hat and socks, and an orange candle.
Now I'm busy working on a few dolls for the holiday fair in early December. I'll make mostly Santas and snowmen and angels--suitable for decorating and gift-giving. But lookee what I found in my stash!
I think I'll make one more ladybug.
Who knows? I could get lucky.

1 comment:

Marcia said...

Alas, the "ladybugs" that have been invading everyone's homes are NOT the lucky kind, so swat 'em or suck them up in the vacuum! However, the one that has landed on the frog is definitely one of the good ones, so he's lucky for sure!