August 13, 2009

Nothing-much Thursday

Yesterday I painted my paperclay pumpkin head and I have to admit I'm not overly thrilled. He may not make it to the finished-doll category. I'll check with Silly Milly. Maybe she'd like to adopt him.
He was a good learning project though. If I decide to make another one I'll try a different approach. The pumpkin heads I've made with instant mache are easier to work with and have a much nicer pumpkin-like texture.
I'm a little happier with my witch head.

I painted her celery green....which you can see around the edges and on her ears....and then I toned it down quite a bit. I'll do a little more touch-up painting, but I kind of like the rustic look. I can visualize her with a smaller hat than the other witches wear, and stringy hair with lots of ear stick-outedness.
Dear ol' dad's fig tree is starting to produce, and I enjoyed the first fig of the season today. Here's the second one--just daring the birds to peck it to shreds.

Dear ol' dad was a great fan of figs, and he had the gardeners plant a fig tree just outside the sliding door. That way he could reach out and grab one quickly on those frigid 55-degree days. I remember visiting him in the nursing home and how excited I was to have fresh figs to take along as a special treat. After a week of everyday figs, he smiled and said that maybe he'd had his fill of figs.

Yesterday, I went to see the new movie Julie and Julia and enjoyed it very much. But why must the coming attractions be so loud? I think I've finally decided to invest in some of those ear protectors the guys at the airport wear. Not only will they be handy for movie-going, they will also protect me from the ever-present annoying cell-phone talkers. Not to mention, those boring folks at the condo association meetings.

The newspaper still has not published my article. I'm giving them 3 more days and then I'm going down there and roll a few heads.

The ants are relentless. Did you know that if you leave a little shrimp tail on the counter four battalions of ants will gather in the blink of an eye? How embarrassing to admit that the ants have made me a better housekeeper.
Well, I guess that's enough excitement for a Thursday. Be sure to check back tomorrow. It could turn out to be Finally Something Interesting Friday.


Anonymous said...

i thought my dad was the only person in the world who liked figs! and i'd like some of those earphones to drown out the omnipresent music everywhere...

cuz toni

Marcia said...

Not sure about the pumpkin head, but the witch is terrific! As for your ants, I have a recipe around somewhere using boric acid....let me see if I can find it.