August 24, 2009

Great entertainment without the messy popcorn

Mr. Gadget and I are back at the Concondo, having been the fortunate recipients of Hurricane Bill's grace. He generously changed course to make way for our smooth landing at JFK. Because our departure was delayed two hours, we were able to enjoy a very entertaining show in the airport terminal while we waited. Let me just say that traveling attire has certainly changed from the days when we sent my grandmother Ferna off to Hawaii with her lady friends. I seem to remember them all decked out in dresses, hats, matching purses, maybe even gloves, and those cute little grandma shoes.

Even though we arrived home well after midnight, I managed to win the suitcase-unpacking Olympics, although it sure was tempting to save that chore till morning. Mr. Gadget had some lame excuse for not giving me any real competition. He said he had to turn the water back on and bump up the air conditioning. I take this event very seriously so I charged forward like a runner doing wind sprints. Very soon I will be standing on the podium accepting my medal.

Yesterday we had plans to meet the new owners at our old house so Mr. G could give Mr. New Owner a couple of tutorials on the workings of the man know, the tractor, the kerosene heater, the dehumidifier--all the accoutrements of a home owner in the northeast.

While he was doing that, I chatted with Mrs. N.O. and she took me on a tour so I could see all the things they've done to spruce the place up. I just knew all the while I was doing that aggravating speed-painting it would be for naught. Our, I mean their, dining room will soon be sage green, the kitchen and family room a pretty shade of mocha, and the master bedroom a pleasant blue. The kitchen floor has been refinished and the carpet pulled up and replaced by hardwood floors and a nice neutral berber. As for the's going to be a new baby's room after November. I have no doubt it will be a baby destined for craftiness. They are a lovely couple and full of excitement and energy. They are very happy with the house. We are very happy they are happy with the house. We gave them a box of See's Candy to thank them for their patronage.

I'm pleased to report that Big-nosed Natasha incurred no broken bones on her trip across the country in Mr. Gadget's to the candy. Here she is with a few features tentatively painted in, and an ill-fitting wig and hat. She's hoping for a magnificent make-over and I don't have the heart to tell her what a hopeless pursuit that would be.

So now I'll be gearing up to finish some dolls for a craft show over Columbus Day weekend. This will be a new one for me. The best part is I don't have to be there. Someone else will do the selling. I will, however, attend the big Friday night gala which is being dubbed a Meet the Artists reception. So they think I'm an artist do they? I just always figured I was a crazy crafty woman. I think I will shut the Treehouse door for the duration and ignore all visitors. I suppose Mr. Gadget will be looking for dinner, and maybe some occasional laundry service. Do you think I could get a restraining order?


Kathy W said...

Reading your "blog" on the computer which is like a column in the newspaper is always a delight. Glad you are back safely at the Concondo!

BTW the grounds there in condoland are looking good!

Marcia said...

How different the witch looks with her makeup on! Glad you got back safely.