September 03, 2008

New jewelry

What do you think? Is it a good color for me? I'm planning to wear this as my everyday jewelry. I think it's just the thing for elder-memory syndrome. It will help me remember the important stuff of daily Mr. Gadget's request to put a new toothbrush on my grocery list, or to include his dingy white baseball cap in the next laundry load, or his first request followed by a second request, while I'm on the phone with Big City Girl, to speak to her before I hang up....

I wonder if I can find matching earrings......


Anonymous said...

If it works, could you work up a sort of crafty one for me.....I saw something you might like the other day for a prototype but I forgot where and when.....yesterday's comment came out "anonymous" how'd I do that?

Anonymous said...

Well, yeah, I had a necklace notebook pattern somewhere.....but I can't remember where I put it. Hope this works for know you have to remember actually to put this on, don't you? Heh.