September 26, 2008

Need a mattress?

Apparently the folks who work for our local newspaper think we do. When I retrieved the paper yesterday morning and saw the size of it, I was quite excited by the promise of extra reading material......and the prospect of sitting with my feet up in my comfy chair with an extra cup of coffee and delaying my chores. Heh.....
I had intentions for this blog post to be about my crafty things. I do have a sock underway (with other Marcia's gifted hand-dyed yarn), and an embroidery project to begin for a lady who has, over the years, hired me to handle all of her embroidery needs.....mostly stitching names of her grandchildren on various articles of clothing. But I've had to let some of my projects slide for the moment....because Mr. Gadget and I are preparing for a big move.
We've decided to buy a condo and my days since returning from vacation have been filled with making choices about tile color, floor stain, cabinet styles, appliances, and whether or not we want the comfort toilet or just the regular kind. That was a no-brainer. I'm all for comfort, with a nice magazine rack thrown in.
It's exciting and crazy-busy around here. Sadly, I will be giving up my treehouse, but happily I will be gaining a new room with twice the space. More details will follow in the coming days. It's amazing, isn't it, what some people will do for blog fodder......
Meanwhile, here are a few vacation pictures from the Mr. Gadget file:

Another one of those crazy colorful ferries.
My new Estonian friend. We're the same height, but it appears she's slightly more well-endowed.
Mr. Gadget almost had to sit in someone's lap on our tour bus to get this shot of a street sign in Norway. Being married to a knitter has exposed him to lots of frogging.

I'm afraid a petal or two may have fallen off my little potted flower. But I'm busy sweeping up....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No thanks on the mattress. Where will the condo be located in same town, state? Such exciting activity. Seems like maybe it will be better for "maintenance"? Lock up and go.....easy.