February 16, 2008

Happy 26th Tech Guy!

Today is Tech Guy's 26th birthday. We'll be traveling up the Tomato Highway before too long, so he'll have to celebrate without us this year. But he's used to that, what with our winter treks out west. We're not as cool as his friends, though, so I'm sure he'll find a way to party it up without us, and then he'll come by the house in a few weeks for a homecooked meal, some cake, a present and a couple of birthday hugs. He'll probably even bring his dirty laundry. And if I'm any kind of a mother, I'll offer to do it for him in honor of his birthday.
Here's a cute picture of Tech Guy with his grandpa. The two of them were quite the hams when they got together. There's nothing like a nice apple pie to bring that quality out in a guy. I can only imagine what merriment followed when the ice cream was added.

So here's to you Tech Guy!

Dad and I will look forward to seeing you and your laundry in a couple of weeks! Bring quarters...heh...heh....


Anonymous said...

How about making some of those great placemats for Sheila's?

kathy b said...

Oh Tech Guy ! Another birthday eh? Sons are great eh?