February 29, 2008
Preparing for liftoff
February 27, 2008
Soup 101
February 24, 2008
No mooing allowed
"Hi, Dolly, how are you?" I asked.
"I'm not sure," she replied. "I'm having 17 ladies over soon for an Oscars party."
I can only imagine the cackling we'll be hearing shortly. I will not tolerate mooing though. I'll be rapping on the wall if I hear any of that....
Yesterday morning, after pouring myself a cup of coffee, I did a little blog-reading...as is my usual morning ritual. And imagine my surprise when I read my friend's (the other Marcia....we call each other that in the blog world) blog and found that she had showcased a few of my dolls. Check out her D is for dolls post. It's right after the one about her trek through the yard on snowshoes. Oh that Marcia.....such an adventurous one!
So yesterday Mr. G offered to chauffeur me to the big discount fabric store in Anaheim, even after our conversation in which he determined that I didn't actually need any fabric. He took along a couple of his scientific magazines (maybe there was a car one too) and waited patiently while I spent exactly one hour on my shopping spree.
"One hour is all I need," I assured him. "If I stay in there longer than that, I end up thinking too much and buying stuff I won't use."
"Yeah, right," he said.
Here's my loot. I bought one yard each. I have no idea what I'll do with any of it, but each piece somehow had my name on it, so I'll add it to my stash.
Then this morning, as I was going through some mail, I noticed this:
It expires today. I'd feel terrible letting a 50% coupon go to waste, so I headed off to Michael's with the intention of buying more instant paper mache. But they were sold out, so I bought some new scissors instead. Scissors are like reading glasses. Even though you possess dozens of pairs, they are rarely where you need them. Maybe I'll have to start wearing one of those necklace thingies with my glasses and my scissors. And maybe my car keys too.
So now I'm off to make some veggie soup. It's not too early to start mentally preparing for the shock that awaits me next weekend. The weather in SoCal will be warming up through the week to the high 70's. On Saturday Mr. G and I will be heading back to Connecticut where, according to Tech Guy, the snow plow guy is doing a nice job on our driveway....
February 22, 2008
Construction zone
I had all the materials on hand, having recently visited the lumberyard, I mean the fabric store.
February 19, 2008
Californian cursed by cartoon character
"Well, I didn't know," I replied sheepishly as I cowered in the corner with no place to hide now that the mountains of flowers and ladybugs are gone.
"You'd better get your produce straight, missy, if you ever want to come back here and feel proud of your roots," he yelled.
And then, thankfully, his battery ran out and he shut the heck up.
So now I stand corrected. This time of year it's the Orange Highway, not the Tomato Highway.
And speaking of sheep, we saw lots of them along the way, including some wood cut-out ones on a hillside. Good-for-nothing yarnless sheep...heh. Up in the wine country we saw some of these cows. I'd never seen one before, but then I don't mosey around farms much. Mr. G. thought maybe they were wearing coats of some sort until I reminded him this is the sunshine state, not northern Maine.
We stopped at a winery where Mr. G decided I should take a photo of him petting this wild boar.
But he didn't bother to read the plaque in front of the boar, so he didn't realize that stroking the snout would have brought him good luck. This meant that he was forced to suffer a hangover, followed a day later by the onset of cold symptoms--both of which could have easily been avoided had he just followed the directions.
So now we're back and I guess I should do some laundry. Then I need to figure out why, after a thorough cleaning and blessing by the kitchen gods, my refrigerator smells. But I figure I've got a couple of days to address that issue since it'll be that long before Mr. G's nose is back up to speed....
February 16, 2008
Happy 26th Tech Guy!
So here's to you Tech Guy!
February 14, 2008
I heart chocolates!
February 11, 2008
Cruise Control
So Mr. G. and I were out for a stroll along the beach yesterday and crossed paths with a lady walking her little dog in a dog stroller. Mr. G. was quite amazed to see such a gadget and asked politely if he could take a picture. The dog owner graciously agreed to pose for his camera.
So today I finished the ladybugs......all 51 of them....and I decided to take a little crochet break before making the last 20 tissue paper flowers. I made a little progress on the ripple afghan. I wanted to make sure my fingers hadn't forgotten how to crochet....what with all the recent insect activity.
It will be my car project this weekend when Mr. G. and I set off on a road trip to northern California....up the Tomato Highway.....a/k/a Interstate 5. On an earlier trip along this route I noticed big red patches on the pavement and was horrified to think it might be evidence of numerous unfortunate accidents. But then I noticed all the tomato trucks. And now I'm thinking about the price of tomatoes in the local grocery store and I'm wondering if I should ask Mr. G. to follow one of those trucks closely while I try to catch a few in a butterfly net.
Oh, and that pink-haired lady at the grocery store who's so chipper all the time? Well, the other day it was particularly warm in the store and she was wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt that revealed two huge multi-colored tattoos. And if that wasn't exciting enough, tonight Mr. G. and I went out to the local Mexican restaurant. Sitting nearby was a woman having dinner with her two young granddaughters. She was wearing a nice v-necked blouse, and just before she got up to leave, she slipped her wallet in the left side of her bra, and her cell phone in the right. Cheaper than breast enhancement surgery I'm pretty sure.....