June 22, 2009

Back from the frozen north

So Mr. Gadget and I have just returned from a short cruise to Canada--where we found things nicely thawed. In fact, the weather was warm and sunny. Good thing I remembered where I'd stashed my sunglasses. Have I mentioned how many days of rain we've had lately?
We assumed our house might sell if we got out of town for a few days, but that assumption was incorrect.

This particular cruise appealed to us because it departed from New York City. But, wouldn't you know, as we pushed away from the pier there was a sudden downpour. So much for a colorful photo op.

By the time we arrived in Saint (never St.) John, New Brunswick, the sun was out and there was plenty of local color.

There was even more color in Halifax, thanks to Owen and his little red wagon.
There are always plenty of characters on a cruise. This one, a towel frog, was compliments of our room steward. The weather was much improved by the time we returned on Saturday morning.

Mr. Gadget reluctantly put on his red hat when I suggested it would serve as a beacon to our driver. How does this man manage to look so trim after a cruise I wonder? I made him swear on a stack of knitting magazines to delete every single one of the pictures he took of me....with the exception of that one above. It's not too bad. It was taken before the warm chocolate melting cake, the eggs Benedict, the special vanilla bread pudding dessert, and the two prime rib dinners. I'm afraid my little container garden is in need of some major rehabilitation.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm never, ever letting my hubbo on a cruise ship! He'd sink it.

Glad you had better weather where you went than we did here...it's really getting so bad that people cheer in the supermarket parking lot when the sun peeps out. My tomatoes and peppers are goners.

So, when do you want to make a trip to WEBS? I need beads and I'm trying to hook up with a woman from Springfield who's buying one of my wheels.

Anonymous said...

Laughing out loud here, Marcia. I mean it. You must have known I'd had an extremely dreadful day in the salt mines with Ms. PinchFace. Your comment about having Mr. G swear on a stack of knitting magazines literally dissolved me into a puddle. Bruce looked over from his recliner with his eyebrows raised in question. "Knitting magazines!" I managed to squeek out breathlessly --and once again only louder this time: "KNITTING MAGAZINES!!" before I had to run to the bathroom . . . quickly. Oh, to have a youthful bladder once again.
Thank you. Cuz Molly