August 02, 2014

More stitching of one kind or another

I've made more progress on the owl.
I got my eye mojo back and worked on the second one.  Now I'm doing yellow feathers.  It's sort of mindless stitching and can be done while watching the NY Yankees crash and burn.  Oh my goodness.  Why didn't they ask our opinion before they made those trades for players who were already over-the-hill with those other teams?  Is there no reasonableness in the world?

I've also been sewing.  Here is the bag I made from the furniture print.

I used a free pattern I found on the internet.  It's a little small for this type of least for me.  But it works fine as a purse.  I've had a few nice comments on it.   I did tweak the pattern a bit and made a bigger one.
Here they are for comparison:
The bigger one fits nicely over my shoulder, whereas the smaller one is a tight fit.  I think it could be even bigger, but I'll save that experiment for later.  I need to make a few dolls for the craft fairs.

So Mr. Gadget and I are winding down our summer stay at the Calcondo.  We'll be sad to go.  Weather has been great, beach has been wonderful, and the plumbing has worked flawlessly.

As is our usual shutting-down process, Mr. G. will make sure everything is shipshape with the house and car, and I will be checking to see that I didn't miss a craft or fabric store.  I think we have a very reasonable division of labor.

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

The Blue Water Grill Reunion couldn't have been better. A great deal of memorable fun had by all who showed up.

Have a nice time winding up your Calcondo trip and a great autumn ahead!