February 28, 2014

Some Springy thingies

I know many of you are anxious for Spring to arrive.  Big City Girl was so tired of old man Winter, she ran off to Cancun for a few days.  Isn't it great that flights can be tracked online?  She just landed a few minutes ago, and it won't be long till she's decked out in her bikini soaking up some sun.

These are some felted flowers I worked on while watching the Olympics. The orange one is a snowboarding flower and the yellow one is an ice dancing one.  I didn't make a curling flower.  I've just never been fond of curling. But I do wonder how the idea came about.  There must have been a heck of a drunken brainstorming party.

I finally added the left hand to the chef-in-a-mug, but as it was drying the thumb came loose.  So the second thumb is now drying, and if time permits I will do a little sanding and painting.  He will be outfitted after I get back to the Treehouse.

Meanwhile, I've been brainstorming (soberly) about another clay project....also to include a chef.  I have an old flour sifter about the same size as the mug.  I'm thinking of putting a chef inside and attaching him to the bottom so he will move back and forth slightly when the handle is moved in the sifting motion.

So, our carpeting job was postponed because of the rain.  It will be done next week, and this was really a lucky break because we needed a few days to get stuff organized.  This morning Mr. Gadget and I started that process.  We are happy with the re-do, even though it wasn't on our time schedule.  I guess when life gives you lemons, you might as well make lemon meringue pie.

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