February 22, 2014

Ruffled feathers

Black bird might be a little jealous that owl's picture was chosen for the Kleenex box instead of his. Or maybe he's just an angry bird.

I've been busy with small projects while things have been in disarray here at the condo.  Black bird was made by covering a Styrofoam ball with paper clay.  His legs are wire that I wrapped with floral tape.  He stands more easily than my previous bird attempts.  The secret is in the feet. He was a fun little project and he'll most likely have some friends in the future.

The condo repair is coming to an end.  Just a few finishing details are needed before we can finally put things back where they belong....like our clothes that have been hanging in cardboard boxes in the living room since just after we arrived in early January.  All of this, you may recall, was because of an insufficiently snaked bathroom sink drain in the condo above.  It hasn't been much fun, but at least there's no snow

So Mr. Gadget and I are having a little tiff.  He's angry at me and I'm basically clueless.  It has to do with the trim color in the newly painted rooms.  He says I agreed to something I have no recollection of ever discussing.  I might have to start keeping better records....since this seems to be happening with more regularity.

It's probably time to wrap this post up, since it's been sitting in my computer, unfinished, for days.  I do have some other projects in the works, and several more brewing in my brain.  The dust and the disorganization in the house is getting to me.  I might find the snow a welcome relief.  Just saying....


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