February 05, 2014

In the words of Kermit....

...."it's not easy being green."
But if you're a witch in my witchy doll world, you're stuck with it, so you'd better make the best of it. This is celery green, over a coat of gesso, over paper clay that has been sculpted over a stuffed muslin head.  They are fun to make, especially now that I've had some practice and I've learned to allow a little bit of  forehead. 

Things are progressing with the repair here at the Calcondo.  Did I show you this picture?  I can't remember.  If so, sorry.

The workers are making good progress and the whole thing now has new drywall. A little added bonus is that I have decided I'll use that vanity area for my sewing machine (where the Bounty is reserving the space).  For years it's been a place to stash miscellaneous stuff, and the drawers were full of junk from my parents' era.  Sometimes we just need a little push.....I mean a gigantic shove....to become better organized.

Today the construction guys are taking a break while the drywall putty dries, but we did have a visit from the condo maintenance crew who was called in to fix the deplorable job the plumber did next to the outside wall when he connected our new drain line to the sewer.  Mr. Gadget and I were so ready for a change of scenery that we walked up to the Asian market to replenish my supply of persimmons,  but there were none to be had.  I knew we were perilously close to the end of their season, but still, it was disappointing.  I had to settle for a papaya.

Things could be worse I suppose. At least I'm here in California where the sun is shining.  Poor Big City Girl.  She's having to trudge through slush to get to work and back.  She's trying to plan a little getaway to someplace warm for a few days, but picking a flight that won't be canceled is pretty much of a crap shoot.

So today I made a trip over to Joann's to buy a couple of paint brushes (sometimes things I need at the Cal are at the Con).  For one day only they were offering a 20% discount to senior citizens.  I certainly expected to be asked for my ID, but that didn't happen.  I remember a couple of years ago being asked by a young Valley-girl type clerk for my ID when I was attempting to buy glue.  "No one under 21 is allowed to buy it," she said.  But that was before I let my hair go gray, so I guess it stands to reason....

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