February 16, 2013

True love and woodcarving

I remember having a conversation with Big City Girl several years ago during which we discussed dating and finding Mr. Right.  "Don't look too hard," I told her, "because you'll just be wasting your time."  Then I added this little gem:
"The harder you look, the more elusive Mr. Right will be."  Sometimes I amaze myself with my wisdom.

I think I may have given her a few examples from people I've known, about how they met in the unlikeliest of places and under the quirkiest of circumstances.  Like my friend Barbara who decided to move from California to Arizona, bought a small house there, and had to send the renter packing.....only to fall madly in love with him. Or another friend who went on a cruise with her mother and ended up marrying one of the ship's officers.  When the time is right, I told her, some sort of mystical magic happens. "So just become the best person you can be, get out and about, make lots of friends, and do good things in the world," I said, "and everything will work out."

So now for the woodcarving. This carving set belonged to my grandfather.  He passed it on to dear-ol'-dad, and somewhere along the line I ended up with it.  I probably planned to give it to Tech Guy, but TG wasn't always careful with special things so I put it away in a closet for safe-keeping.  I did briefly give some thought to trying my hand at it but never got around to it.  Plus, I've never considered myself a sculptor...you know, one of those people like Michelangelo who said something like, "Just take away the stuff that doesn't belong."

This past week I noticed a flyer at the senior center when I went there for my knitting group.  They're going to start up a new interest group. Woodcarving.  So I signed up and I'm going to give it a whirl.  The tools will be coming out of the closet soon.  I hope we can make beautiful music together.  Let the dancing begin!

1 comment:

Kathy W said...

Neato! Looking forward to some pix schooner or later.....true love waits--didnt Buddy Holly sing that? Like the fringie thingy!