February 17, 2013

Frivolous fringie fun

Here's a little yarny project I've been working on--and it's guaranteed to cover any hint of a turkey neck.

It's the kind of project that goes on and on and on.  There's no definite stopping point.  There aren't even any directions.  You just call it quits when enough is enough.

I started with a 2-1/2 inch wide strip knitted in garter stitch.  I knitted until it was as long as I wanted the scarf.....which in this case is about 60 inches. 

Next, I cut strips of different funky yarns...about 7 inches long.  Then with a crochet hook, I attached them randomly to one side of the knitted strip. 

This can be a little tedious, so I attack it in small doses....usually while watching Jeopardy.  I have more to go, but it won't be long before I'll declare it finished.

I do, of course, need to worry about the shedding factor.  There are hundreds of yarn ends.  But I don't plan to wear it with anything fancy.  I'll keep my lint brush handy and just pretend I have a cat.

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