I just read in the newspaper that Miss Wisconsin won the Miss America title for 2012. If she happens to be reading, I'd like to offer her my heartiest congratulations...
As I was walking around the neighborhood earlier today, I noticed the large variety of vegetation and I got to thinking.....what if there was a beauty contest for trees.

This one would certainly be up there in the top 10, whereas.......

.....this one would have to hide its head in shame.
So this weekend, I'm pretty sure, is known as
Football Weekend all across America. Men everywhere are planted in front of their big-screen TVs, and women are shopping. Well, all women except for me. I've been making
guac for Mr. Gadget and keeping him well supplied with chips and beer.
This morning, during the first game--or the 3rd of the weekend 4--I started a small clay project. A bird. A bird whose head might be a little too big for its body. A whimsical bird. It's much too early to show him on the blog, but he'll be similar to
the one in this post that I made long ago. He'll be an earthquake bird. If we get a little jolt--as we so often do here in SoCal--he will most certainly fall over, and then I can call the news channels and report in.
And from the
Only in California file......on Friday I went to the grocery store, and on my way out of the parking lot I almost ran down a pickle. Yes, there was a big green pickle sauntering across the lot not even looking where he was going. Come to find out, he was on his way to the corner--his office as it were--where he would hold up a sign and shake it to and fro to advertise a store in the shopping center called "Mr. Pickle." I don't know if it's a franchise. And no, I don't know if it was a sweet pickle or a dill....