April 15, 2010

A blog clog

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Seems there was some sort of a blog clog. The flow of words from my brain to the keyboard was somehow impeded, and I had been reduced to reading and taking naps. It did eventually dawn on me that I could call one of those plumbing guys to come out to the house and snake out my system--which I did--and now I'm back in business. I've got a little headache though.
You'll notice the sewing machine is now uncovered, and sewing supplies are beginning to appear.There are even signs of life.
See that tape measure? It's an oldie but a goodie. It is no longer a complete tape measure since part of it ripped off a long time ago, but it does have one end that starts with zero and that works for me. There are just certain things from my past that I can't part with.
So yesterday Mr. Gadget left the house around 7:30, just like he did when he went to work everyday. His office was eerily quiet and his lighted neon open/closed sign had been turned off.
His computer was unusually dark.
All this because he had been summoned to jury duty. Very soon after he left, I remembered how it felt to have the house to myself, and I started getting very comfy with the whole idea. Then, about 4:30, he returned and reported that they didn't need him, and wouldn't for at least 3 years.
While he was gone, in addition to pigging out on bon-bons, I decided I'd take the opportunity to check his office for orbs. You may remember that while our new condo was being built, there was a veritable orb convention in his new office.

What a relief to see that his office is now an orb-free zone. I'm sure he'll sleep better at night now that he has this information.
A late edit: Oops! It looks like I missed one at the top of his computer screen. Let's just keep it secret, shall we?

1 comment:

Marcia said...

Oh, I'm soooo glad Terry still works full time! I married him for better or for worse.....not lunch.